Good Friday isn't just another date on the calendar for us Christians; it's a sacred time when we pause to remember the ultimate act of love and sacrifice that Jesus made for us. I mean, think about it: Jesus, the Son of God, willingly endured unimaginable suffering and death to save us from our sins. It's mind-blowing, isn't it?
But why "Good" Friday? I used to wonder about that too. I mean, what's so good about the day Jesus was brutally crucified? But then I realized that it's called "good" because of what it represents—the incredible gift of salvation that Jesus secured for us through his death and resurrection. It's the ultimate triumph of good over evil, love over hate, and life over death.
So, why did Jesus do it? Simply put, out of love. He saw the brokenness and sinfulness of humanity and chose to lay down his life to reconcile us with God. That's the kind of love that blows my mind and humbles me to my core.
As I reflect on Good Friday, I can't help but think about the changes it calls us to make in our own lives. Jesus' sacrifice wasn't just a one-time event; it's a call to action for us to live lives marked by love, compassion, and selflessness.
It challenges us to forgive others as Jesus forgave those who crucified him, to show mercy and grace to those who don't deserve it, and to love sacrificially, just as Jesus loved us.
And you know what else? Good Friday reminds us that no matter how broken or sinful we may feel, we are never beyond the reach of God's grace and redemption. Jesus' death on the cross made a way for us to be forgiven, restored, and made new.
One of the most powerful examples of Jesus' humility on Good Friday is how he was crucified between two thieves. Despite being the Son of God, he willingly took his place among criminals, showing us the depth of his humility and love.
One of the most powerful examples of Jesus' humility on Good Friday is how he was crucified between two thieves. Despite being the Son of God, he willingly took his place among criminals, showing us the depth of his humility and love.
Wishing you all a blessed Good Friday filled with gratitude, reflection, and awe at the amazing love of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Warm Regards,
Binduja Pillai
Faith Believes & Speaks